Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancel your order anytime before dispatch by calling our customer service.
  • Orders cannot be canceled once dispatched.
  • We reserve the right to cancel any suspicious or fraudulent orders without notice. Such customers will be blacklisted from future transactions.
    Cancellation / Refund Request Time: Only Same Day


  • Due to the nature of Ayurvedic products, we have a strict no-return or exchange policy.
  • Exchanges or returns are only accepted for damaged, empty, or incorrect items upon delivery.
  • To process returns, provide an unboxing video, packaging defect video, and pictures of the damaged product.
  • Contact customer service at or +91 9987357345 within 48 hours of delivery.
  • Do not return purchases to the manufacturer; include the receipt number for faster processing.
    Cancellation / Refund Request Time: Only Same Day


  • Cancelled orders will be refunded within 6-8 days, though some banks may take longer.
  • For returns, after inspection, we will notify you of approval or rejection. Approved refunds will be processed within 6-8 days.
  • If you haven't received your refund, check your bank account and contact your bank for processing times. If issues persist, contact us at or +91 9987357345.
    Refund Processing Time 6-8 Days.


  • To return a product, mail it to: Arksa Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Rivendell House, 3rd Floor, 650 JSS Road, Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400002.
  • If deemed damaged, Medzzi will cover return shipping costs.
    Shipping time 0 to 7 Days in India Domestic.

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